This piece was exhibited at the Graphic Design: Now in Production show at the Walker Art Center. It utilizes a plotter very similar to the vinyl cutter we have in the eStudio. The program he designed for viewers to use was specific to the project, using the "void" area, the negative cutout space of the circles to create words. Viewers were invited to enter their own words, see them cut out on the plotter, and take the newly created artifact with them.
Empty Words from Jürg Lehni on Vimeo.
Empty Words, 2008, Jürg Lehni & Alex Rich
X/Y cutter, Apple TV, display, keyboard, paper
In 2005, together with Jonathan Hares, a pair of drilled posters were made as a contribution to The Free Library, curated by Mark Owens. This prompted the exploration of possibile methods of mechanised production. Using a standard CNC plotter, a rotated LCD display, an TV, and a software interface, Empty Words cuts each dot of the poster in sequence at a controlled speed.
Similar to a Linotype machine, the resulting device became a tool for the production of text works, used by both ourselves and the general public.
The software interface is archived online at: